Highly specialized technical translations refer to the texts containing expert terminology from various industries, requiring specific industry know- how, supplementary documentation and professional consultation.
The price can be negotiated.
BWO ProfTranslations company has been registered as VAT EU payer, hence VAT invoices are issued to our European Union clients.
Highly specialized technical translations, including the following industries:
1. Mining industry
-Underground mining of minerals
-Opencast mining of minerals
-Mechanical processing of minerals
-Shaft sinking and construction
2. Transport industry
3. Machine manufacturing industry
4. Fuel and energy industry
-Operation and maintenance documentation of machinery and equipment
-Manual user instructions
-Safety Data Sheets
-Machinery and equipment product catalogues
-Technical texts for webpages, etc.
Tender documentation (technical terminology), including:
-Specification of Essential Terms of Contract, etc.
Descriptions of machinery and equipment, etc.
Product presentations, etc.
Factory tests, etc.
and other documents, after reading the source text.